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Straigthness in the Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup


Straightening a riding horse is a top priority for maintaining its health. This leads every rider inevitably to volume seven of this series. Bent Branderup and 13 other authors from the knighthood of the Academic Art of Riding illuminate the topic from different perspectives.

What is the difference between riding straight ahead and straightening the horse? Which options and exercises can be used? How does the horse profit from being straight? What is the goal and what is the process like? The issue "Straightness" combines the content of the earlier issues - "The Circle" and "Side Movements". The reader can expect a simulating book overarching from theory to practice.

The following authors contributed to this volume:

Dorte Bialluch Vaz Pinto, Bettina Biolik, Bent Branderup, Kathrin Branderup, Tanja Friedburg, Ylvie Fros, Anja Hass, Marion van de Klundert, Anna-Clara Olofsson, Gerlinde Schnapperelle, Marius Schneider, Celina Skogan, Jenny Vogel and Michelle Wolf.

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