"Soulful Connection"

Embrace the Art of Subtlety and Grace

Experience A One-Of-A-Kind

2-Day Deep Immersion Clinic

Imagine being with your horse in perfect harmony, feeling an unspoken connection that transcends words.

"I want to thank you for teaching me.

You are a one-of-a-kind instructor, and your passion and commitment to horses and teaching are to me

what the masters of the past were all about.

I am glad to have been part and seen a glimpse of the true art of horsemanship."



Unlock the Power of Intention and Connection with Your Horse

Imagine experiencing a profound and effortless connection with your horse, where every interaction feels

harmonious and deeply fulfilling.

Our 2-Day Soulful Connected Rider Clinic sets you on this path, teaching you how to develop subtle aids and intuitive communication that enhance your unique language of two.

This transformative journey goes beyond riding, fostering a soulful partnership that brings joy and a sense of unity in every moment spent together. 

Designed for individuals seeking to establish a deeper and more meaningful connection with their horses, this clinic provides guidance and hands-on practice to help you build your own unique language with your horse in a natural and intuitive way.

You find yourself lacking a clear path for the journey you want to take now.

Your current approach no longer feels true to your heart and soul, and you crave so much more.

The frustration of feeling directionless and sensing that something is missing in your relationship with your horse is overwhelming.

This lack of connectedness often leads to confusion and disappointment, leaving you feeling misunderstood and unable to reach your full potential together.

The elusive goal of harmony and oneness feels out of reach, making you feel stuck and longing for a deeper, more meaningful connection

Throughout the clinic, you'll experience a profound shift in how you interact with your horse.

The techniques and exercises taught are designed to foster trust and understanding, creating an environment where both you and your horse feel heard and seen.

You'll have a clearer direction and a renewed sense of purpose in your journey with your horse, empowered to achieve a harmonious and fulfilling partnership characterized by mutual high regard, trust, and a shared sense of joy.

What we'll work on...

Deepen the Nuances of Body Language and Energy, Creating a Unique Language between You and Your Horse

Exercises that Promote Balance, Coordination, and Awareness

To Improve your Horse’s Flexibility, Strength, and Understanding

Engage in Mindfulness Practices that Help You be Fully Present and Attuned to Your Horse

Learn Advanced Groundwork Techniques that Strengthen the Foundation of Your Relationship

Location: Tracey Furkerts Arena,

149 Woodlands Road



9th (6:30 p.m start) 10th -11th August (8:00 a.m start)

Alternate Venue for Inclement Weather

"Soulful Connection: Embrace the Art of Subtlety and Grace"

"Building a Unique and Intimate Language Between You and Your Horse"

  • Developing a Unique, Intimate Language Between you and Your Horse:

    • Learn to communicate with your horse through subtle, almost invisible cues

    • Understand the nuances of body language and energy

    • Build Trust, Connection and Clarity

  • Advanced In-Hand and Vaquero-Based Exercises:

    • Learn advanced groundwork techniques that strengthen the foundation of your relationship

    • Practice Vaquero-based exercises that promote Balance, Coordination and Awareness

    • Apply these techniques to improve your horse’s Flexibility, Strength and Understanding

  • Enhancing Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Connection:

    • Engage in mindfulness practices that help you be fully present and attuned to your horse

    • Explore exercises that foster emotional harmony

    • Develop a spiritual connection that transcends the physical aspects

  • Path to a Transformative Journey:

    • Set a clear direction for your equestrian journey, aligned with your heart and soul.

    • Identify and overcome obstacles that may be hindering your progress.

    • Leave with a renewed sense of purpose and a presence on your journey toward a deeper, more meaningful connection

I finally feel like I can dance with my horse on the ground.

In hand work has never really appealed to me but Lynley combines the perfect mix of technical

knowledge, feeling and consideration for both the horse and rider.

Her methods are clear, fun and effective giving both myself and my horsemany "Aha" moments with a

clear path to continue with at home.

I can't wait for Lynley to return so I can continue my journey with her.


Paulina Mudgway


Pre-Participation Online Course

Video Training and Workbook

Get ready for your clinic with a series of short video trainings and a workbook to track and process your key takeaways.

We'll cover key foundational concepts that will be very beneficial to optimising your clinic immersion.

Post Clinic Post Clinic Zoom Q&A Follow-up

"Evolving with Purpose: Lighting the Path Ahead"

Following the clinic, we will meet virtually to debrief, share insights, and answer any questions that have arisen since then.

2-Day Clinic Schedule

Meet & Greet & "Optimizing Your Clinic" Discussion

9th August - 6:30 p.m.

Our clinic goes beyond traditional riding instruction by addressing the emotional and spiritual aspects of your relationship with your horse. You'll engage in practices that promote mindfulness and presence, helping you to be fully attuned to your horse's needs and responses. This holistic approach ensures that the connection you build is not just about technical skills but also about forging a deeper, more meaningful partnership.

What we'll work on

Day 1 - 10th August - 8:00 a.m. start

8:00 am - In the Barn Session

** After the Barn session, we start the morning with Work In-Hand/Groundwork; these are Revolving 1:1 lessons

** Approx - 12:30 pm | Lunch Break and Discission

** Approx - 1:15 pm we have revolving Small Group Sessions

The day will conclude Thoughts, Questions and Observations

** Lets go deeper than touch... Energy - Grounding

** Presence-In-Hand Exercises: Building Trust and Mutual High Regard

**But please remember I run the clinic very organically and work with each horse and person that turn up in our space each day**

What we'll work on

Day 2 -11th August - 8:00 a.m. start

8:00 am - In the Barn Session

** After the Barn session, we start the morning with Work In-Hand/Groundwork/Ridden Work; these are Revolving 1:1 lessons

** Approx - 12:30 pm | Lunch Break and Discission

** Approx - 1:15 pm we have revolving Small Group Sessions

The day will conclude Thoughts, Questions and Observations

** Being

** Present with Soft Intention - Alignment

**But please remember I run the clinic very organically and work with each horse and person that turn up in our space each day**

Registrations Open

Prices INC. GST

Riders: 2-day clinics



  • Welcome,

    "Optimizing Your Clinic"

    Discussion & Q&A

  • Friday evening the 9th August at 6:30

  • Revolving 1:1 lesson in the morning

  • 1 group lesson per day

  • Workbook for Journaling and notes

  • Self-evaluation forms

  • Pre-Clinic ~ On-Line Course

  • Off Horse Exercises

  • Post Clinic Zoom Q&A Session

    "Evolving with Purpose: Lighting the Path Ahead”ere's some stuff

H.I.P. Auditor


(Horse's Important Person)


  • Welcome,

    "Optimizing Your Clinic"

    Discussion & Q&A

  • Friday evening the 9th August at 6:30

  • Pre-Clinic ~ On-Line Course

  • Workbook for Journaling and notes

  • Self-evaluation forms

  • Pre-Clinic ~ On-Line Course

  • Off Horse Exercises

  • Post Clinic Zoom Q&A Session

    "Evolving with Purpose: Lighting the Path Ahead

Daily Auditor

$50 per day


  • Welcome,

    "Optimizing Your Clinic"

    Discussion & Q&A

  • Friday evening the 9th August at 6:30

  • Viewing of all training sessions, ability to participate in all

  • Off Horse Exercises

  • Post Clinic Zoom Q&A Session

    "Evolving with Purpose: Lighting the Path Ahead”ere's some stuff

15% Discount if you would like to bring a second horse!!

Lynley is in tune with the wisdom of the horses.

She has an innate way of helping people tune into this wisdom and it is truly beautiful to experience this first hand.

It is also incredible to observe transformations in other horse and human partnerships,

watching connections deepen and grow with every step.

Lynley brings like-minded people together in a supportive environment, growing this special horse community.

The learnings that my horses give me through Lynley's guidance, also transfer to human relationships and my own work with people.

I am eternally grateful for the coaching Lynley provides.


Kelly - Herd by Horses

Throughout the clinic, you will discover transformative exercises that cultivate a profound sense of unity and harmony with your horse. Whether you're working with a young, green horse or an experienced partner, these techniques will help you deepen your bond and achieve true oneness.

You will explore:

The incredible potential of your partnership with your horse as a living masterpiece of art and connection. Your soul is the canvas, your movements are strokes of genius, and your partnership is the inspiring art

Building a profound connection with your horse, discovering that transformation starts from within

Embark on this remarkable journey of creating a unique and inspiring bond with your horse

Bridge the gap between the physical and the spiritual, tapping into the timeless wisdom of horses

Engage in a harmonious dance of Work In-Hand and Riding, learning the art of communication without words

Experience a profound connection that transcends traditional riding

Your soul is the canvas, your movements are strokes of genius, and your partnership is the inspiring art

Develop soft and responsive communication with confidence

Achieve and maintain a mentally and physically balanced and safe horse

Improve the athleticism of your horse

Every step and movement is a stroke of a brush, a note in a symphony, and a thread in your shared tapestry

Understand that horsemanship is more than just about riding; it's about forging a profound communion of spirits and embarking on a journey of self-discovery

Clinic F.A.Q.'s

What is the difference between the H.I.P. Auditor and the Daily Auditor?

**H.I.P. Auditors (Horses Important Person): Get the same Pre-Clinic ~ On-Line Course with a Printable Workbook for Journaling and notes, with Self-evaluation forms included. They get to participate in all the Off Horse Exercises, discussions and the Post Clinic Zoom Q&A Session"Evolving with Purpose: Lighting the Path Ahead.”

**Daily Auditors: Get to participate in the Discussions and the Horseless Exercises with the H.I.P Auditors and Rider/Handler Participants also come to the Post Clinic Zoom Q&A Session"Evolving with Purpose: Lighting the Path Ahead.”

What disciplines do you work with, English or Western?

Does it matter if I don't ride competitively?

The foundation you will build with your horse using the Balance & Awareness approach is not specific to any riding discipline. 

Each day, we start where your horse and you are today.

Can I bring my horse even if she is not under saddle yet?

Yes, you are most welcome to bring your young horse. We have a range of exercises that are very beneficial in preparing your young horse for groundwork and advancing Work In-Hand and Ridden work.

Does it matter if I don't ride competitively?

My horse and I trail ride on our own and with friends. Will this clinic be valuable to our relationship?

Absolutely. The foundation you will build with your horse using the Balance & Awareness approach is not specific to any riding discipline. Each day, we start where you and your horse are today, developing depth and width in your relationship in the physical, emotional, heart, and soul aspects.

What is the format of the Clinic?

*6:30 pm - the evening before the first working day of the clinic: We settle in with Meet & Greet and "Optimizing Your Clinic" Discussion

*8:00 am - In the Barn Session, then we start the first morning with Work In-Hand/Groundwork; these are Revolving 1:1 lessons

*Approx - 12:30 pm | Lunch Break and Discission - however we may work through lunch, so make sure you have food and drinks on hand.

*Approx - 1:15 pm we have revolving Small Group Sessions

*Very often in the evening there will be a demonstration and Q & A with my own horse.

*Repeated each day - But we get more in depth as the clinic progresses each day.

**But please remember I run the clinic very organically and work with the horses and people that turn up in our space each day**

Location: Tracey Furkerts Arena,

149 Woodlands Road



9th (6:30 p.m start) 10th -11th August (8:00 a.m start)

Alternate Venue for Inclement Weather

Don’t miss your chance to have the relationship of your dreams.

All disciplines and experience levels of riders (and horses!) are welcome.

For questions or more info about the clinic, please contact Lynley by email

Spots will be limited

For over a decade, my passion has been centered around sharing with, and guiding others towards achieving profound connection, oneness and cultivating more enriching relationships with their horses.

This journey goes beyond riding styles and saddle preferences – it's about fostering a deep bond between horse and human.

Embark on a gentle and transformative journey with my Work In-Hand and Vaquero-inspired lessons. These sessions not only seek to expand your knowledge but also delicately shape and refine your skills. Together, you and your horse will craft a subtle, soft language, both from the ground and the saddle.

Embracing this sense of oneness opens the door to a more profound and fulfilling relationship, something that may have seemed like a distant dream until now. Join me in discovering the beauty of connection and understanding that goes beyond your tack.

“I believe your journey starts from wherever you are right now.
It doesn’t matter how old your horse is, what discipline you ride, or where you are in your relationship – my programs build on your experience to refine your ability to understand and speak with your horse.”

Lynley Bolt

© 2024 Lynley Bolt - Balance & Awareness - All Right Reserved

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