Black cats

A Day of Torrential Emotions and Lessons in Trust

May 21, 20242 min read

A Day of Torrential Emotions and Lessons in Trust

A few weeks ago, my day unfolded in an unexpected and unsettling way. As I sat quietly working at home, my day took a sharp turn when my beautiful cat arrived beside me in a very poor state. This was more than just a minor scrape; it was serious, and it sent my emotions spiralling. My cats aren't just pets; they're family. Each has a tale of how they chose me, and it’s in these harrowing moments that the depth of our bond truly hits home.

As I dealt with this crisis, my thoughts inevitably wandered to another set of animals under my care: my horses. In the midst of chaos, I pondered our human tendency to impose our needs on these majestic beings. We seek comfort and services from them—like the simple act of picking out their feet—without considering what they might feel, need, or want in return.

When a new horse arrives, whether for schooling or to stay, I take a different approach than many might expect. I don't rush to pick out their feet or insist on immediate grooming. Instead, I give them space, and this space might be two weeks or more.

This initial period isn’t about grooming; it’s about building trust. I am a stranger to them; why should they allow me to lift their foot, remove a hoof from the ground, and compromise their stability? Why should they trust me with their foot, a vital part of their balance and security?

This practice isn't about neglect; it's about respect and high regard. Building trust with a new horse means demonstrating that I prioritise their safety and comfort.

The lesson is simple but deep: Expect less and receive more. Trust is not demanded; it is cultivated gently and authentically.

Navigating the daily challenges of caring for my cats and horses continually reminds me of our profound connections with animals. These relationships are founded on trust, empathy, and patience. Today was a testament to that bond and a reminder of the responsibilities we hold in the lives of these creatures who depend on us, love us, and enrich our lives in immeasurable ways.

The day’s experiences, which were fraught with emotional turbulence, serve as a profound testament to the bonds we share with animals.

They challenge us to question our approaches, reassess our actions, and deepen our understanding of the trust and respect that form the cornerstone of any relationship, be it with humans or animals.

What can these moments teach us about patience and mutual respect?

How can we better honour the silent pacts we’ve made with the animals that enrich our lives?


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